Salmon Run ruined my life. I've played so much Salmon Run, I'm starting to hallucinate it in real life. Just last week at the supermarket I thought I saw a Scrapper when really it was just a lady in a mobility scooter. I even started yelling "This way!" in an attempt to get other customers to help me take her down. You overfisher dipshits AGAIN making shit this obnoxiously unachievable, go fuckin' crawl in a goddamn fire, you blithering, no-life cunts. Better yet, get your shit stolen SO YOU CAN NEVER PLAY SPLATOON 3 AGAIN, CUNTS- "wdym grizz apologist" Basically believing that being among the last of your race/species/animal class is an excuse to be a greedy, shift-sabatoging, Splatfest-rigging PRICK!